Thursday, February 16, 2012

Always re-newing ...

The Brits talk of repairing things differently than we ... well, actually, they talk about EVERYTHING differently than we do. One of their verbiage "intriguities" that I love, is when they replace a part on a car motor for instance, they don't "replace" it, they "re-new" it. As in, "Anytime one removes the cylindre-head, one must re-new the gaskets before replacing the cylindre-head upon the motor-block."

Besides the cool "re" endings rather than our "er" spelling, "re-newing" has such a gentle, loving touch-sound to it. You're not junking an old part, you're lovingly re-creating or fondly improving the ... device? ... at hand.

And so these days, I am constantly re-newing so much ... from software to websites to even the way a professional views their business 'model' ... and my website has been getting a LOT of attention from me over the last few days.

My site is not only my personal professional presence on the web, it's also the test bed for the Haugen's Galleri brand that the wife and I share. I started it once upon a time, but it's nearly completely identified with Miriam these days. It's her home for her 'tribe', as she's discovering, built upon "mothering". Our "tribes" are so different, yet ... my experiments in web presence can be applied to bring hers along as well.

I've not completed all the changes I'm in the midst of trotting out on my Showit-based current site, yet I'm already working on the replacement for it. The 'nex-gen' sites we have will be based on WordPress. I'll be able to add a seamless connection to SmugMug galleries and online preview/sales that we will use for certain clients and events. It's a continual process, never ending.

Ah yes, re-newing my business model, web presence, and view of Life on a continual basis ...and the accompanying image is of model Kailey Glodt, one of my favorite subjects to photograph.